By supporting Sexual Assault Center, you help fuel stories of resilience and transformation. Your generosity makes an immediate impact, showing survivors they are not alone and empowering them to reshape their lives. Join us in making this a season of hope, healing, and renewed strength for all.
“Hey everyone! So I have a really exciting story to share. As most know, I work with our PREA clients which are folks that are incarcerated and assaulted. Since the first week I started at SAC I’ve had a client named Micheal.
His childhood sexual trauma is the worst I’ve personally ever heard, and his trauma within the prison system is heartbreaking as well. I’ve worked closely with him for 3 1/2 years and yesterday, he got released after an almost 23 year sentence. He has been incarcerated on robbery charges since he was 14 and in an adult facility since the age of 16.
He’s that one client for me that has changed my life! It’s been an honor to work alongside of him. He’s going to an amazing program in Knoxville that will help him reintegrate back into society slowly, and help with any need he may have! Eventually he will be receiving services at Knoxville SAC. Yesterday, at the age of 36, he finally gets to begin his life. He wanted to take a video to thank everyone at SAC who has helped him and made an impact in his life.”
-- SAC Victim Advocate
Cost of 3.5 years of advocacy care for Michael: $2,400.00
Cost Michael Paid: $0
While Annie’s journey with SAC began over 20 years ago, her story of healing and impact is just beginning. Her service at the Center includes being a Medical Accompaniment Program (MAP) Volunteer, event volunteer, and lending her story to the SEEN Survivors project by photographer Dan Heller.
“I want to give those survivors the best chance of moving forward in a healthy way -- maybe give them a little more of a head start than I had. before coming to SAC”
- SAC Volunteer, Former Client
Cost of 14 years of therapy for Annie: $30,600.00
Cost Annie Paid: $0
The detectives worked hard to find her. When they finally did, they learned that a storm the previous night had washed away most of her belongings. They bought her a hot breakfast and informed me of the situation. I went through my closet and gathered clothes I thought she might like.
Believing she would feel better if she could freshen up before testifying, I reached out to Kelly Peters, Advocacy Director at SAC, and asked if Charlotte could use the SAFE Clinic’s shower and get fresh clothes. Charlotte had been there months earlier for her Medical Legal Exam (rape kit), so it was a familiar place—the only one I could think of that could help.
Detectives brought Charlotte to the SAFE Clinic, where she showered and got ready for court. When she arrived at the courthouse, I gave her the clothes, and you could see the difference; it was clear she felt more confident and calmer, having had a safe and supportive place to prepare for the long day ahead.
Being able to call Kelly that morning and have Charlotte cared for within an hour was amazing. It is so nice to have this kind of community support available for survivors.
Charlotte testified and did wonderful. His bond was not lowered, and he remains in jail.”
-- Kate Melby, Chief Prosecutor, Sexual Violence and Human Trafficking
Cost of SAFE Clinic services for Charlotte: $1,809.70
Cost Survivor Paid: $0
*Name changed to protect confidentiality
One of the most popular and easiest types of gifts in an estate plan is a bequest. You can designate the Sexual Assault Center to receive a specific dollar amount, a specific asset, or a percentage of the total value of your estate.
If you have an existing will, a codicil (an amendment to a will) can easily be added to include SAC as a beneficiary. Specific instructions on how to prepare a will or codicil can be provided by your lawyer, accountant or estate planner.
Substantial tax benefits can be achieved when you make a gift of your residence to the Sexual Assault Center. Speak with your attorney, accountant or estate planner to learn about the tax benefits of making a gift of real estate.
You may consider how a life insurance policy that no longer suits your needs can become a significant charitable gift to the Sexual Assault Center.
You might name us a beneficiary of an existing policy. Naming SAC as the sole beneficiary or a partial beneficiary will allow you to make a sizeable gift to SAC
Donate an obsolete policy. If you own a policy that is paid-up and your dependents no longer need the policy’s protection, you can designate SAC as the owner of the policy and receive an immediate tax deduction.
If your estate plan includes a trust, you can designate the Sexual Assault Center to receive a specific dollar amount of cash, specific assets (a cash account or other asset), or a percentage of the total value of your trust assets.
If you have an existing revocable trust, an amendment can easily be made to include the Sexual Assault Center as a beneficiary. Specific instructions about how to prepare and execute a trust or a trust amendment can be provided by your attorney, accountant or estate planner.
There are other estate planning options that can give you an immediate tax deduction while providing you and/or a loved one with investment income for life.
Irrevocable trusts (such as charitable trusts) allow you to exchange low basis, highly appreciated assets for income in the form of an annuity or a percentage of the fair market value of the assets. A gift of highly appreciated assets to the Sexual Assault Center offers both a tremendous future benefit to the Center and a significant tax advantage for you, since no capital gains tax is incurred when the assets are sold. Once investment changes are made, you can specify how income and principal are to be distributed to you and your family during your lifetime. These trusts offer the benefit of:
Providing income for life to you and your family (annuity)
Providing a current income tax deduction
Avoiding capital gains tax on appreciated assets
Reducing future estate taxes
Other irrevocable trusts, such as Life Insurance Trusts, can also provide remarkable estate planning benefits for you as well as endowment benefits for the Sexual Assault Center.
Again, regardless of the type of bequest you intend to leave, it is important that you consult a qualified attorney, accountant or estate planner to make certain your plan meets your retirement and philanthropic goals.
Matching gift programs are a great way to increase the impact of your gift at no additional cost to you. The process is simple. Just complete your company’s matching gift form and send it to the Sexual Assault Center.
The Sexual Assault Center
101 French Landing Drive
Nashville, TN 37228
All stock donations go through our partners at Alliance Bernstein. Please contact Lorraine McGuire to learn more.
Amazon Smile and Kroger Community Rewards are two programs that give funds towards the organization of your choice just for shopping. All you have to do is register at the sites below and a percentage of your purchases will be donated to the Sexual Assault Center.
Amazon Smile: you will need your Amazon log-in information to register. Click here for more information.
Kroger Community Rewards: you will need your Kroger Plus card handy. Click here for full instructions.