Together, we will end sexual violence.

Monthly Giving

The Healing Circle is SAC’s monthly giver society. The average survivor sees a therapist for two full years where cost is never a barrier. They may also access care through our SAFE Clinic, advocacy services, and emergency financial assistance while attending therapy at absolutely no cost to them. 

Monthly donations provide reliable funding that allows us to plan and sustain our services throughout the year, ensuring that we are always ready to help survivors in need. They also sustain survivors through the long and arduous healing journey. 

No matter the amount, a monthly gift can make a significant impact in a survivor's life. Consider joining the Healing Circle today to help cover the cost of life-changing care for survivors of sexual violence. 

Your gift to the Sexual Assault Center is a gift of hope and a gift of healing. Your help provides critical funding for therapy, advocacy, prevention and support throughout the community. Regardless of the size of the gift, you will help ensure that every person who comes to SAC receives the best possible care. 


One-Time Gifts

Making a one-time gift is another powerful way to support our mission. This type of donation allows individuals to make an impact during moments when support is needed most. 

Your contribution to the Sexual Assault Center is a gift of hope and healing. Your help provides critical funding for therapy, advocacy, prevention and support throughout the community. Regardless of the size of the gift, you will help ensure that every person who comes to SAC receives the best possible care. 

How your gift makes a difference...

$15 - helps provide technology to one therapist for video Telehealth therapy for one month

$50 - provides play therapy supplies that help child sexual abuse survivors share their storiesin an age and developmentally appropriate way.

$150 - covers the cost of an initial assessment and orientation to a new client. Survivors receive non-judgemental support, crisis intervention, and a trauma-informed welcome to SAC.

$250 - provides training and ongoing technical assistance to one bar/restaurant through our Safe Bar program, which raises awareness around alcohol's role in sexual assault and engages bar owners and staff in bystander intervention

$500 - covers the cost for tests, photos, and exam supplies

$1,837.20 - provides a forensic rape exam for a survivor after they've been sexually assaulted


2nd Edition SEEN Book Available Now!

Order your copy of the second edition SEEN Survivors book today for $39.99.

Read the personal, harrowing stories and healing journey of each survivor, including Country Star Lindsay Ell and Actor, Johnathon Schaech and a beautiful forward by Actor and Advocate, Ashley Judd. SEEN Survivors is a compelling collection of stories of 18 victim/survivors of sexual abuse. Created by photographer Dan Heller in partnership with the Sexual Assault Center, this project focused on illuminating the journey of healing and empowerment.

100% of the proceeds from this second edition print support victim/survivors and the Sexual Assault Center's program and healing services.

For more information about the stories and survivors, visit


Legislative & Advocacy Efforts

Sexual Assault Center (SAC) has always provided trauma informed, victim-centered services and support; the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade will not change SAC’s approach to the care we provide. Sexual Assault Center is disheartened by the impact the decision to eliminate access to abortion will have on victim/survivors, especially in Tennessee where there are currently no exceptions for rape and incest. Paramount to our mission and healing for survivors is to protect the rights, decisions, and control over their health and healing.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), close to 3 million women in the United States will experience a rape-related pregnancy in their lifetime. About 20% of victim/survivors who were rape by an intimate partner reported their partner was trying to get them pregnant when they did not want to be. Part of victim-centered care is to support the victim/survivor where they are and as they make decisions that are best for them at that time. SAC supports victim/survivors’ decisions along their healing journey, including the right to a safe abortion and believes there should not be stipulations attached to a victim/survivor's choices, regardless if they report to law enforcement or choose to seek therapy, etc. These stipulations also eliminate their autonomy, the very thing that sexual violence takes away from them. Victim/Survivors should not be forced to birth their rapist's child after a violent, forceful, unwanted act


  • Create, advocate and lobby for strong legislation that gives victims of rape and incest the right to control their health and healing and have access to safe abortions.
  • Continue to offer unbiased, ethical, trauma informed, victims/survivor centered therapy and advocacy, which includes providing assistance, support, and referrals when a client is seeking pregnancy OR abortion help.
  • Educate the public on the correlation of these issues—banning abortions further traumatizes a sexually assaulted woman, many people do not report to law enforcement right away and may not prior to seeking abortion help and that should not be a prerequisite to receiving appropriate medical care, etc.
  • Provide information and referrals to our clients, staff, and volunteers regarding victim advocacy organizations, legislation, and advocacy opportunities
  • Continue to provide a full continuum of care to individuals receiving services at the SAFE Clinic immediately following a sexual assault, including following best practices of medical care and support.


  • Host a conversation with your like-minded and non-likeminded friends to discuss this issue and how it effects victim/survivors of sexual assault. This is not a political conversation but a victim’s rights and advocacy conversation. The more people who understand the reality for victims, the more who can speak up on their behalf.
  • Share this page on your social media platforms.
  • Give to an organization that supports and advocates for victims' options after an assault, such as Sexual Assault Center. These funds allow us to not only continue the work we are already doing but advocate for change and prepare for the future. You can also directly support our legislative efforts by donating here
  • Be on the lookout for prepared statements and ways to reach out to your Local State and Federal Representatives, from SAC.
  • Be on the lookout for an SAC hosted Lunch & Learn type events. We will send details as soon as it’s scheduled. These will be fantastic opportunities to learn more and invite friends who want to do the same.
  • Sign up to be a Political Advocacy Volunteer to stay up to date on this issue and any others affecting the work we do.



You can create a lasting legacy at the Sexual Assault Center by including SAC in your estate plans.  Regardless of income level or the size of your estate, your planned gift can make a significant difference to the Sexual Assault Center. A bequest to SAC can help you, and your family, reduce or avoid estate taxes and at the same time help you realize your own philanthropic objectives. If you have any questions, please contact Lorraine McGuire at 615-259-9055 ext. 332 or

Regardless of the type of bequest you intend to leave, it is important to consult a qualified lawyer, tax consultant or estate planner to assure that your wishes are carried out.

Types of Planned Gifts

One of the most popular and easiest types of gifts in an estate plan is a bequest. You can designate the Sexual Assault Center to receive a specific dollar amount, a specific asset, or a percentage of the total value of your estate.

If you have an existing will, a codicil (an amendment to a will) can easily be added to include SAC as a beneficiary. Specific instructions on how to prepare a will or codicil can be provided by your lawyer, accountant or estate planner.

Substantial tax benefits can be achieved when you make a gift of your residence to the Sexual Assault Center. Speak with your attorney, accountant or estate planner to learn about the tax benefits of making a gift of real estate.

You may consider how a life insurance policy that no longer suits your needs can become a significant charitable gift to the Sexual Assault Center.

  • You might name us a beneficiary of an existing policy. Naming SAC as the sole beneficiary or a partial beneficiary will allow you to make a sizeable gift to SAC

  • Donate an obsolete policy. If you own a policy that is paid-up and your dependents no longer need the policy’s protection, you can designate SAC as the owner of the policy and receive an immediate tax deduction.

If your estate plan includes a trust, you can designate the Sexual Assault Center to receive a specific dollar amount of cash, specific assets (a cash account or other asset), or a percentage of the total value of your trust assets.

Revocable Trusts

If you have an existing revocable trust, an amendment can easily be made to include the Sexual Assault Center as a beneficiary. Specific instructions about how to prepare and execute a trust or a trust amendment can be provided by your attorney, accountant or estate planner.

Individual Trusts

There are other estate planning options that can give you an immediate tax deduction while providing you and/or a loved one with investment income for life.

Irrevocable Trusts

Irrevocable trusts (such as charitable trusts) allow you to exchange low basis, highly appreciated assets for income in the form of an annuity or a percentage of the fair market value of the assets. A gift of highly appreciated assets to the Sexual Assault Center offers both a tremendous future benefit to the Center and a significant tax advantage for you, since no capital gains tax is incurred when the assets are sold.  Once investment changes are made, you can specify how income and principal are to be distributed to you and your family during your lifetime. These trusts offer the benefit of:

  • Providing income for life to you and your family (annuity)

  • Providing a current income tax deduction

  • Avoiding capital gains tax on appreciated assets

  • Reducing future estate taxes

  • Other irrevocable trusts, such as Life Insurance Trusts, can also provide remarkable estate planning benefits for you as well as endowment benefits for the Sexual Assault Center.

Again, regardless of the type of bequest you intend to leave, it is important that you consult a qualified attorney, accountant or estate planner to make certain your plan meets your retirement and philanthropic goals.

Matching gift programs are a great way to increase the impact of your gift at no additional cost to you. The process is simple. Just complete your company’s matching gift form and send it to the Sexual Assault Center.

The Sexual Assault Center
101 French Landing Drive
Nashville, TN 37228

All stock donations go through our partners at Alliance Bernstein. Please contact Lorraine McGuire to learn more.


Amazon Smile and Kroger Community Rewards are two programs that give funds towards the organization of your choice just for shopping. All you have to do is register at the sites below and a percentage of your purchases will be donated to the Sexual Assault Center.

Amazon Smile: you will need your Amazon log-in information to register. Click here for more information.
Kroger Community Rewards: you will need your Kroger Plus card handy. Click here for full instructions.

Crisis & Support Line
1-866-811-RISE (7473)
Click Here to Chat
Available from 7AM-11PM
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